Oraciones indirectas
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estilo indirecto:de dirercto a indirecto: directo: ''i go to the beach every summer'',John said -> indirecto:John said taht he went to the beach every summer.
como pasar los verbos:pres.simple(he likes)->past simple(he liked) ; pres.contin(he was going)->past.contin(he had been going) ; past simple(he went)->past.perfect(he had gone) ; past perfect(he had gone)->no cambia ; present perfect(he have gone)->past perfect (he had gone) ; past.cont->pas.perf.cont.
modals y semimodals:will->would ; can->could ; must/have to->had to ; may->might
expresiones lugar:this->that ; here->there
expr.tiempo:-presente: today->that day
-pasado:yesterday->the day before
-futuro:tomorrow->the next day/the following day
-presente:tonight->that night
-futuro:next week/month/year->the following week/month/year
-pasado:last week/month/year->the previous week/month/year
-pasado:ago week/month/year->a week/month/year befores
yes/no questions:suj.introductor+verbo introductor adecuado(ask,wonder,want to know)+CI+if+statements(todos los cambios anteriores)
w-h questions:suj.introductor+verbo introductos adecuado(asked)+CI+w-h question word+statements
commands:suj.introductor+verbo introductor adecuado(told,ordened,commanded,invited,begged,asked)+CI+to infinitive/not to infinitive