Comprehensive English Grammar and Vocabulary Reference

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English Grammar and Vocabulary Reference


  • Proper Nouns: Differentiate a being from others of the same class (e.g., Huesca).
  • Common Nouns: Designate beings of the same class (e.g., city).
  • Concrete Nouns: Designate beings that can be perceived by the senses (e.g., house).
  • Abstract Nouns: Refer to immaterial concepts that cannot be perceived by the senses (e.g., life).
  • Countable Nouns: Designate beings that can be counted (e.g., comb).
  • Uncountable Nouns: Designate beings that cannot be counted (e.g., salt).
  • Animate Nouns: Designate people and animals (e.g., woman).
  • Inanimate Nouns: Designate plants and lifeless beings (e.g., bush).
  • Individual Nouns: Singular nouns that designate a single being or countable object (e.g., car).
  • Collective Nouns: Singular nouns that refer to more than one being (e.g., army).
  • Epicene Nouns: Animate nouns that, with only one form (masculine or feminine), can refer to both male and female (e.g., the male jaguar/the female jaguar).
  • Ambiguous Nouns: Some nouns of things that can be used in both masculine and feminine (e.g., the sea/la mar), but not those nouns that have the same form but mean different things in masculine and feminine (e.g., el cólera/la cólera).


  • Grammaticalized: Verbs to have and to do in the 3rd person singular and verb to be in the 3rd person singular and plural.
  • Impersonal: Natural phenomena.
  • Eventual: No subject because it is unknown or not of interest. Verbs in the 3rd person plural.
  • Reflexive: Pronoun se plus verb in the 3rd person singular.

Text Coherence

  • Repetition: Basic elements related to the topic must be repeated throughout the text.
  • Progression: The text must provide new information.
  • Non-Contradiction: The different elements of the text should not contradict each other.
  • Relation: The facts referred to in the text must be related to the real or imaginary world.

Discourse Markers

(They have no function, they only contribute to the discourse developing with coherence and fluency): structurers, additives, exemplifiers, reformulators, argumentative, introductory, conclusive, exclusive, repetition, conversational.

Phrasal Verbs

  • get on with = have a good relationship with
  • fall out with = argue
  • make up with = end an argument
  • put up with = tolerate


  • habits = customs
  • discuss = talk about
  • advice = opinion or suggestion
  • gossip = talk about someone's private life
  • trust = believe someone is honest
  • pick on = criticize
  • stand up for = defend
  • close = very good friend
  • acquaintances = people you don't know very well
  • relatives = family members
  • brothers and sisters = siblings
  • characteristics = traits
  • more than enough = plenty of
  • develop emotionally = mature
  • depend on = rely on
  • doing and having what I want = get on my own way

Crime Vocabulary

  • pickpocket = steal from a person's clothing or bag
  • shoplift = steal from a shop
  • push = sell (drugs)
  • burgle = break into and steal from (a house)
  • mug = attack and rob
  • smuggle = bring into a country illegally
  • rob = steal from a person or a building
  • vandalize = damage other people's property

Relationships Vocabulary

  • stood up = deixar plantat
  • dumped = basurer
  • asked out = demanar sortir
  • chatting up = tirar la canya
  • going out with = sortir amb algú
  • flirting with = tirar la canya
  • cheating on = enganyar
  • row = discussió
  • break up = trencar = split up
  • get back together = tornar a sortir
  • fall for = enamorarse

Crime Related Nouns

  • pickpocketing = carterista
  • mugging = atrac
  • speeding = fuga
  • shoplifting = hurto
  • pirate = pirateria
  • vandalizing = vandalisme
  • graffiti = graffiti
  • drop litter = llençar escombraries
  • smug = contraband
  • push = camello
  • burgling = robatori
  • robber = robatori
  • fare-dodge = no pagar multa
  • tout =

Law Vocabulary

  • court = cort
  • defendant = acusat
  • evidence = proves
  • fine = multa
  • judge = jutje
  • jury = jurat
  • lawyer = advocat
  • trial = judici
  • verdict = sentencia
  • witness = testimoni

Phrases Related to Law

suspected of, acquitted of

arrested for, charged with

accused of, convicted of, sentenced to

Education Vocabulary

  • education = ensenyament
  • upbringing = educació


  • vicious = brutal, ferotge
  • depraved, dissolute = viciós

Other Vocabulary

  • crime = delicte, delinqüència
  • murder = crim
  • actual = real, de veritat
  • present = actual
  • eventually = finalmetn
  • possibly = eventualment
  • demand = exigir
  • ask for = demanar

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