Guía Completa de Gramática Inglesa: Pronombres, Sufijos, Prefijos, Indirecto, Pasiva, Condicionales, Conectores y Tiempos Verbales

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Guía Completa de Gramática Inglesa


Who - Persona // Which - Cosas // Whose - Posesión

Sufijos y Prefijos

Sufijos de nombres: -ment / -(t/s)ion / -(e/o)r / -ity / -ship / -ness / -ence

Sufijos de adjetivos: -ed / -ing / -ful / -less / -ous / -al / -able / -ive / -ant

Prefijos opuestos: un- / im- / in- / il- / dis- // mal- / mis- // en- (ej: slave - esclavo; enslave - esclavizar)

Discurso Indirecto (Reported Speech)

eat - ate / ate - had eaten / will eat - would eat / are eating - were eating / were eating - had been eating / have eaten - had eaten / have been eating - had been eating / had eaten - = / had been eating - =

can - could / may - might / have to - had to / will - would

now - then / today - that day / tonight - that night / yesterday & last week & a month ago - the day before / tomorrow - the next day / next week - the following week / here - there / this - that

Voz Pasiva

write - are written / wrote - were written / will write - will be written / is writing - are being written / was writing - were being written / have written - have been written / had written - had been written / should write - should be written / must have written - must have been written / has to write - have to be written / is going to write - are going to be written


Tipos de Condicionales

  • 1º Posible: If / unless + present simple, will / may / might (lo que ocurrirá si se da la condición, si acabo el trabajo, iré al cine)
  • 2º Improbable: If + past simple, would / could / might + base form (condición presente hipotética, si no fuera tan caro, lo compraría)
  • 3º Imposible: If + past perfect, would / could / might have + participio (se refiere al pasado, la hipótesis no puede realizarse)


  • Introducción: Some people argue that, Many people think that, It is said that
  • Contraste: but, however, in spite of
  • Ordenar: to begin, in the first place, secondly, lastly, finally
  • Conclusión: In conclusion

Tiempos Verbales

Present Perfect Simple

I have gone to Madrid many times. / Para acciones en el pasado que tienen importancia en el presente. / Acciones que ocurrieron en el pasado sin especificar el momento en el que sucedieron.

Present Perfect Continuous

I have been running this morning. / Actividad que empezó en el pasado y que continúa en el presente. Resalta la duración en la actividad (for/since). / Acción que empezó en el pasado y puede haber acabado recientemente. / Acciones pasadas que acaban de concluir, el resultado es evidente.

Past Perfect

I had gone when they arrived. / Acción pasada que ocurrió antes que otra (también en el pasado pero más remoto que el pasado simple). / Para unir el past perfect con el past simple.

Past Perfect Continuous

I had been going when they arrived. / Acción que estaba ocurriendo en el pasado, conectada también a otra anterior a ella.

Future Continuous

I will be sleeping at this time next week. / Acciones que estarán en marcha en un momento determinado del futuro.

Future Perfect

I will have eaten at two hours. / Acciones que estarán finalizadas en un momento determinado del futuro.

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