Ingles de bachiller 5 gtr
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PRESENTE SIMPLE always, frequencly, usually, often rarely, sometimes
forma: activa:build(s)//pasiva: is/are built
usos: rutinas y verdades generales, hechos, situaciones permanentes
PRESENTE CONTINUO at the moment, now, next week, tonight, tomorrow
forma activa:is/are building//pasiva: is/are being built
usos: acciones q estan ocurriendo mientras hablamos, situaciones temporales, planes personales de futuro, acciones repetitivas molestas
BE GOING TO this evening, later, tomorrow morning, tonight, soon, in the future
forma: activa is/are going to build//pasiva: is/are going to be built
usos: predicciones basadas en hechos evidentes, planes o intenciones decididas de antemano
PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE how long?, ever, never, for, nince, already, just, yet, for a long time
forma:activa has/have built//pasiva has/have been built
usos: accion q empezo en el pasado y continua en el presente, acciones pasadas q afectan al presente, experiencias de la vida
PAST SIMPLE ago, yesterdad, the day before yesterday, last week, when
forma: activa:built//pasiva: was/were built
usos: acciones ocurridas en el pasado y algo q ocurrio mientras estaba en proceso otra accion
PAST CONTINUOUS at10am yesterday, as, while, last week
forma:activa was/were building//pasiva: was/were being built
usos:acciones q estaban en porceso en un momento concreto del pasado, acciones en proceo interrumpidas por otra acion
PAST PERFECT SIMPLE already, after, before, by the time
forma activa:had buiilt//pasiva had been built
usos acciones pasadas ocurridas antes q otra accion tambien pasada y acciones ocurridas antes de un momento concreto del pasado
FUTURO SIMPLE this evening, leter, tomorrow, afternoon, tonight, soon, next week, in a moment, in the future
forma activa: will build//pasiva will be built
usos predicciones basadas en opiniones personales, hechos del futuro, deciciones espontaneas,, pormesas y ofrecimientos, acontecimientos futuros programados
FUTURO CONTINUO at this time on monday, next week, tomorrow, afthernoon, at 7 o clock. in ah hour`s time
forma activa: will be being built//pasiva will be being built
usos: acciones q estaran ocurriendo en un momento concreto del futuro, predicciones sobre un momento concreto del futuro, preguntas sobre planes para el futuro
FUTURO PERFECTO SIMPLE by seven oclock tonight, tomorrow, by then, by nexy week
forma activa will have built//pasiva will have been built
usos acciones q habran terminado antes de un momento concreto de fotuto
can build- can be built
could build- could be built
should build. sohuld be built
have to build- have to be built
might have build- might have benn built
forma have(en tiiempo del verbo) + object + pp
forma If/when+ presente simple//present simple
usos: verdades geerales sucesos naturales
forma if+presente simple//will+modal/imperativo
usos algo que probablemete pase e el presente o futuro
forma if+past simple//would/could+ infinitivo sin to
usossituaciones imaginarias y consejos
forma if+past perfect(3 colum)//would have+pp
usos situaciones q podrian haber pasado antes
WILL decisiones del futuro inmediato (mañana, el año que viene)
GOING TO cosas planeadas, evidencias prediciones
present- past simple/continuo deseo de que una accion presente fuera distinta
pasado- past perfect arrepentimiento o lamentacion de una situacion pasada
futuro- would+inf sin to quejarse o criticar algo presente
detras de preposiocon
como sujeto oracional
lista de verbos: los que expresan actitud hacia una actividad love hate detest resent, admit, deny, delay, avoid, be worth, busy, cant help, cant stand, cath, consider, resist, go, miss, mind, mean, mention, imgine, despues de NO, understand, give, prefer yo, despues de WHO, remeber (recordar haber hecho), see, hear, smell, sense, verbos q expresan comienzo: start, begin, continue, go on, keep, finish, end, stop (dejar de), suggest, reget (lamentar haber hecho), get+ adjetivo
detras de adjetivos
explicar una intencion
LISTA SIN TO: DESPUES DE and, but, or, except, had better, have, let, make, see, smell, sense,vervos modales, despues de WHY despues de WHOULD RAHTER
LIISTA CON TO con proposito de, like/would like, mean, prefer tham, procose, reget (lamentar), remember (recordar no olvidar), verbos de comienzo de una actividad de larga duracion, used, verbos semiauxiliares: be going to be ablle, despues del objeto personal, despues de too + adj(adj+enought, advise, allor, ask, beg, convince, command, engourage, expect, forbid, force, help, need, cerder, permit, persuade, reques, teach, want, warn
present simpe- past simple
present cont- past cont
present perfec simple- past perfec simple
present pet conti- past perf cont
past simple- past perf simple
past continuos- past perf continuos
past perfec simple =
past perff cnt=
futuro simple- would
be going to - was/were going to
can- could
may- might
must had to
have to had to
ought to =
this- that
these- those
here- there
mow- then
today- that day
tonight- that night
this morning- that morning
yesterday- the day before
tomorrow- the following day
next day- th following day
last week- the previous week
two days ago- two days before