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Guy Fawkes (13 April 1570 to 31 January 1606), also known as Guido Fawkes, the name adopted while fighting for the Spanish in the Netherlands, belonged to a group of provincial English Catholics who planned the failed conspiracy gunpowder, 1605. It wasa failed attempt to assassinate King James I of England and VI of Scotland by a group of provincial English Catholics led by Robert Catesby.
MU. The death of Alex Forley is very confusing because we do not know if it is a suicide or a murder, but eventually you know. Wilver (Forley's doctor), he discovers that his patient has an affair with his wife Lisa. He faked the results and told Alex that he had abrain tumor, he did because he was afraid his wife would leave him. Alex Forley thought he had a tumor, which dragged the suicide could not live with the idea of having a brain tumor and died for it. Finally Wilver could save what remained of the marriage to Lisa.
PE. Rod Eliot: A detective who has a wife and a child and he already works some time for the police. Bowen: A man who also works as detective at the police station and he’s the assistant of Detective inspector Rod Eliot, he has no wife and he always falls in love with the wrong woman. Alex Forley: The man who shot himself because he thought he had a brain disease, he was pretty rich, a good look and a beautiful house in London. Philip Wilver: The doctor and friend of Alex Forley, A busy and a bit depressive man.
OP. Actually the book I liked it because it is very confusing. Especially by the constant visits and questioning of detectives who originally bundled the argument.
But what caught my attention is the manner of death of the deceased, because it has never seen such things in other books of the same gender.