Mastering English Expressions: Phrasal Verbs, Idioms, and Vocabulary
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Phrasal Verbs
- Bring back - devolver
- Bring down - reducir
- Bring forward - adelantar
- Bring in - ganar, traer, invitar
- Bring on - producir
- Bring out - publicar
- Bring up - sacar, plantear, educar
- Come across - encontrar
- Come along - llegar, ocurrir
- Come apart - deshacer, hacerse pedazos
- Come down on - regañar
- Come in - entrar
- Come into - entrar en, heredar
- Come round - venir a visitar, recobrar la conciencia
- Come through - atravesar, sobrevivir
- Come up with - proponer
- Get by - arreglárselas
- Get in/into - entrar en
- Get off - bajarse
- Keep off - alejarse
- Keep on - continuar
- Keep out - no dejar entrar
- Keep up with - seguir el hilo
- Let down - decepcionar
- Let on - revelar, decir
- Let up - disminuir
- Look at - mirar
- Look back - mirar hacia atrás
- Look down on - menospreciar
- Make for - ir a
- Make off with - escaparse
- Make up - reconciliarse
- Make up for - compensar
- Put forward - proponer
- Put down - colgar, humillar
- Put off - posponer
- Put out - apagar
- Put through - someter
- Put up - aumentar, alojar, construir
- Put up with - aguantar
- See off - despedirse
- See trough - ver el plumero
- See to - encargarse de
- See into/out - acompañar hasta la entrada/salida
- Stand by - apoyar
- Stand for - representar, significar
- Stand in for - sustituir
- Stand out - destacar
- Stand up - levantarse
- Stand up to - hacer frente
- Turn away - alejarse, negar la entrada
- Turn in - acostarse, delatar
- Turn into - convertirse en
- Turn on - atacar, encender, abrir
- Run an errand: hacer un recado
- Run the family: genético
- Run wild: no hay que hacer
- Run short: quedarse corto
- Break the ice, a promise, a record, the monotony, the habit
- Have a go - intentar/probar
- On the go - ocupado/activo
- Go broke - arruinarse
- Go mad - volverse loco
- Go bald - quedarse calvo
- Go from bad to worse - ir de mal en peor
: Speak their mind-decir lo que piensas Like talking to the wall-como hablar cn la pared Don't breathe a word-ni una palabra I'm all ears-soy todo oidos Beat about the bush-andar con rodeos Take it with a pinch-no te creas todo lo q dice Bit my head off-reaccionar de forma brusca Put all your eggs in one basket-jugarselo todo a 1 carta Cake and eat it-querer todo Bite off more than you can chew-querer + de lo que se puede abarcar Not my cup of tea-no me gusta mucho A couch potato- vago Selling like hot cakes- se vendne como rosquillas a piece of cake- estar chupado Food for thought-te hace pensar.
BRITISH/AMERICAN: Holiday-Vacation(vacaciones), Lorry-truck(camión), Autumn-Fall(otoño), Sweets-Candies(chuches), Petrol-gas(gasolina), Torch-flashlight(linterna), Flat-apartament(departamento) Taxi-cab(taxi) Lift-elevator(ascensor), Dustbin-garbage can(cubo basura) Boot-Trunk(baúl) Fortnight-Two weks Torusers-pants Chemist's-durgstore(quimico) Chips-French fries(patatas) Handbag-purse(bolso) garden-yard Pavement-sidewalk Biscuit-cookie.
VOCABU. add up-sumar| be over-haberacabado| bite off-arrancar con los dientes| currently-actualidad|climb down-bajar| clapped-aplaudió| C.into-meterse| count on-confiaren|fronda-row seats-asientos1ªfila| hand in-entregar| knock over-arroyar, atropellar| go broke-ir a la quiebra| lock up-encerrar| named after-nombre de| might as well-puede ser q tb| move out/away-mudarse, alejarse| pass by-pasar x delante de| point out-señalar,advertir| pour down-llover a cantaros| pull back-retirar,sacar| pull into- introducir en| perform-realizar| profitable-rentable| run away-escaparse| set up-montar| show off-presumir| sit back-recostarse| split up-romper,separarse| star out-empezar| take away from-quitarle,reducir| throw away-tirar| try on-probarse| wrecked-destrozado| weird-extraño| witnessed-testigo
CAMBIAR: almost-virtually distant-faraway burning-roasting decision-abroad docks-ship go off-went to get their suitcases oil-energy sailed away-miss them Stirling-open the Windows Slight-you can hardly hear it terrific- thrilled term-school two weeks-fortnight to a foreign country-abroad fell haviy-poured down
enjoy,enjoiment,enoyable,enjoyably|originate,origin,original,originaly|play,placer,playful,playfully|use,user,usefu,usefully| profit,profit,profitable,profitably |accept,acceptance,aceptable,acceptively|descrive,description,descriptive,descriptively | devote,devotion,devoted,devotily|apréciate,appreciation,aprreciative,appreciatively |secure,securitysecure,securely