Mastering English Modals, Conditionals, Passive Voice, Reported Speech & Vocabulary

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Modal Verbs

  • Can: ability or capacity, requests, asking for permission, possibility, suggestion. (saber poder) - I can swim, I can lend you my car.
  • Be able: ability, possibility (ser capaz de) – They will be able to see (podrían ver).
  • Can't: inability, prohibition, deduction (no poder, no saber) – I can't swim.
  • Could: ability or capacity, more polite than can, possibility and suggestion (supo/e, podría): She could run before (podía correr antes).
  • May/might: possibility (puede podría) – The tourist might be disappointed (puede que estén disgustados).
  • May: polite question (puede) - May I borrow...? (puedo tomar prestado...)
  • Should: advice and recommendation (deberías) - She should be (ella debería estar).
  • Need to: obligation and necessity (necesitar): I need to know (necesito saber).
  • Have to: obligation and necessity (tener que) - I have to...
  • Must: obligation, necessity, an imposed law (deber que) - They must evacuate (deberían evacuar).
  • Mustn't: prohibition (no debes).
  • Don't have to: necessity and no obligation (no tienes que).
  • Needn't to: necessity or no obligation (no es necesario que).
  • Would: to ask or offer in a polite way, conditional - Would you like some more? (¿quieres algo más?)


  • Can: friends
  • Could: if you don't know the person well
  • May/Might: if you don't know the person at all


  • 100%: will
  • 50%: might
  • 30%: can
  • 0%: can't

Perfect Modals

In the past, negated in the modal, always have, not has.

  • Must have: certainty that a fact is true (I must have been very exciting for her to make that trip - debe haber sido).
  • May/might have: supposition of a past fact (She may have forgotten the meeting - puede que).
  • Could have: something could have been done in the past but wasn't (It was a stupid action, you could have hurt yourself – podrías haberte hecho daño).
  • Couldn't have: certainty that something did not happen (They couldn't have predicted the rain - no podrían haber predicho).
  • Would have: desire to have done something in the past but it didn't happen (I would have gone with you, but I was too scared - habría ido).
  • Should/ought to have: criticism of a past fact (You should/ought to have warned me earlier - deberías haberme).
  • Shouldn't have: criticism of a past fact (I shouldn't have taken so much luggage - no tenía que haber).
  • Needn't have: something unnecessary in the past (You needn't have bought the tickets - no tenías por qué).


  • 1st Conditional: if + present simple, present simple. Example: If I do sport, I feel energetic.
  • 2nd Conditional: if + past simple, [would + infinitive without to OR modal in past [could, should, might]]. Example: If I won the lottery, I would buy a car.
  • 3rd Conditional: if + past perfect (had + ed/3rd column), conditional present perfect (would + have + ed/3rd column).

Passive Voice

  • Simple present: makes - is made
  • Present continuous: is making - is being made
  • Simple past: made - was made
  • Past continuous: was making - was being made
  • Present perfect: has made - has been made
  • Past perfect: had made - had been made
  • Will: will make - will be made
  • To be going to: is going to make - is going to be made
  • Modal verbs: can/could - can/could be made

Reported Speech

  • Present simple: past simple: I like coffee - he said that he liked coffee.
  • Present continuous: past continuous: I am doing my homework - she announced she was doing...
  • Simple past: past perfect: I gave her a present - he confirmed he had given her a present.
  • Present perfect: past perfect: I have never been there - he said he had never been there.
  • Past continuous: past perfect continuous: I was walking when... - he reported he had been walking when...
  • Future: conditional: I will help you - she said she would help me.
  • Imperative: infinitive without to: open the door - he told me to open the door / don’t cheat: the teacher advised not to cheat.

Writing Connectors

  • However: sin embargo
  • In short: como conclusión
  • Somehow: por decirlo de otra manera
  • All in all: todo ello
  • In fact: de hecho
  • Despite + noun / In spite of...: a pesar de
  • After all: a pesar de todo
  • Whether: si...
  • Meanwhile: mientras tanto
  • According to: según
  • But instead of... (ing): pero en vez de...
  • By the time: por aquel entonces...
  • While: mientras tanto
  • First and foremost: lo primero de todo
  • Though: aunque

Personality Vocabulary

  • Confident: seguro
  • Generous: generoso
  • Impulsive: impulsivo
  • Bossy: mandón
  • Open-minded: abierto
  • Talkative: hablador
  • Helpful: humanitario
  • Stubborn: cabezota
  • Considerate: considerado
  • Romantic: romántico
  • Nosy: cotilla
  • Calm: tranquilo
  • Straight-wavy-curly: liso-ondulado-rizado (hair)
  • Chubby: regordete
  • Slim: delgado
  • Skinny: en los huesos
  • Fair: claro
  • Plain: simple
  • Shy: tímido
  • Selfish: egoísta
  • Spiky: de punta
  • Unattractive: feo
  • Good-looking: guapo
  • Well-built: cachas
  • Petite: pequeño
  • Muscular: musculoso
  • Gorgeous: hermoso
  • Shoulder-length: pelo por el hombro
  • Big-headed: engreído
  • Broad-shouldered: ancho de espalda
  • Long-legged: patilargo
  • Old-fashioned: pasado de moda
  • Kind-hearted: bondadoso
  • Short-tempered: mal genio

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