Repaso Completo de la Gramática Inglesa: Tiempos Verbales, Pasiva, Estilo Indirecto y Condicionales
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Repaso de Gramática Inglesa: Tiempos Verbales, Voz Pasiva, Estilo Indirecto y Condicionales
Tiempos Verbales
- Present Perfect Simple: has/have + participio pasado (PP). Describe una acción que ocurrió en el pasado pero no se indica cuándo. Uso de ever, never, just, already, yet. (People have traveled to the Moon)
- Present Perfect Continuous: has/have + been + -ing. Para hablar de una acción que ha acabado hace poco o que acaba de terminar. También se usa para decir cuánto tiempo ha durado una actividad. Uso de for, since, how long. (I have been living here since 2006)
- Past Simple: verbo + -ed. Acción que ya terminó. (You called Juan / Did you call Juan?)
- Past Continuous: was/were + -ing. Algo que estaba sucediendo mientras... Uso de while y when. (You were studying when she called)
- Past Perfect: had + PP. Acción del pasado que tuvo lugar antes que otra. Había sucedido. Uso de when, before, by the time. (You had studied English before you moved to NY)
- Past Perfect Continuous: had been + -ing. Duración de una acción que ocurrió en el pasado antes que otra. (You had been waiting there for more than 2 hours when she finally arrived)
- Future Perfect: will have + PP. Algo se termina en un momento determinado en el futuro. Habré hecho. Uso de by Saturday, in 2 weeks. (You will have perfected your English by the time you come back from NY)
- Future Continuous: will be + -ing. Una acción va a estar en marcha en un momento determinado en el futuro (11:00). Estaré haciendo, estará pasando. Uso de This time tomorrow. (Don't phone at 8, we will be having dinner)
- Be going to: am/is/are + going to + verbo. Planes seguros e intenciones. Voy a hacer, va a pasar. (You are going to meet Pablo tonight)
Voz Pasiva
Simple Present (S, does, do) - am/is/are + PP // Present Continuous (am/is/are + -ing) - am/is/are being + PP // Simple Past (verbo + -ed) - was/were + PP // Past Continuous (was/were + -ing) - was/were being + PP // Present Perfect (has/have + PP) - have/has been + PP // Past Perfect (had + PP) - had been + PP // Will Future (will + verbo) - will be + PP // Future Perfect (will have + PP) - will have been + PP // Going to (am/is/are + going to + verbo) - am/is/are going to be + PP.
Estilo Indirecto (Reported Speech)
Present Simple (I sleep) – Past Simple (He said he slept) // Present Continuous (I am sleeping) – Past Continuous (He said he was sleeping) // Past Simple (I slept) – Past Perfect (He said he had slept) // Present Perfect (I have slept) – Past Perfect (He said he had slept) // Present Perfect Continuous (I have been sleeping) – Past Perfect Continuous (He said he had been sleeping) // Future (I will sleep) – 2º Conditional (He said he would sleep) // Future Perfect (I will have slept) – 3º Conditional (He said he would have slept).
- Zero Conditional: Situación siempre verdadera (obvia). Ej: If you freeze water, it turns into ice. If + Present + Present.
- First Conditional: Situación real o posible. Ej: If the photos are good, I’ll send them to you. If + Simple Present + Simple Future.
- Second Conditional: Situación improbable, sueño. Ej: If I won the lottery, I would travel around the world. If + Past Simple + would + infinitive.
- Third Conditional: Situación hipotética del pasado. Ej: If you had studied more, you would have done better in the exams. If + Past Perfect + would have + past participle.
- Future Time Clauses: as soon as (tan pronto como), when (cuando), until (hasta), unless (a menos que), in case (en el caso). Ej: Take your umbrella in case it rains. We'll probably be watching the cup final when you arrive.
Past Modals
Must have + PP (I'm sure). I must have passed the exam. Totalmente seguro // Might have + PP (Perhaps). Somebody might have stolen your wallet. Hay posibilidad de que algo ocurra // Can't have + PP (Sure not). They can't have gone to bed yet. Casi seguro de que algo no pasó // Should have + PP. You should have learnt some French before you went. Para dar consejos y recomendaciones.
Used to / Be used to / Get used to
- Used to + infinitivo: (solía) (hábitos del pasado). I used to drink five cups of coffee a day, but now I only drink tea.
- Be used to + gerund: (estar acostumbrado) (Hábito del presente). He’s used to driving on the left.
- Get used to + gerund: (acostumbrarse a…). I can’t get used to working at night.
Gerundio e Infinitivo
Gerund: (I enjoy listening to music). like, love, hate, enjoy, miss, feel like, mind, finish, risk, practise, put off, stop, suggest, can't help, fancy, admit, deny, give up, imagine, keep (on), put off (postpone), spend time, can't stand, delay, regret, avoid, consider, involve, go on // To + infinitive: (I want to speak with you). would like, want, need, decide, hope, arrange, expect, plan, forget, seem, appear, wish, promise, offer, refuse, learn, manage, afford, agree, fail, tend, happen, mean, prepare, pretend, threaten, attempt. // Infinitive sin to: (it might rain tonight). Después de modales: can, may, might, must, should, would, rather… y después del verbo make y let.