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for = 2 hours
for = many years
for = almost than
for = amost one months
since = last week
since = 1986
since = school
since = yesterday
have you ever dinner cerro santa lucia
have you ever been to the usa
have you ever ridden a horse
(alguna vez has montado un caballo)
comparativo corto
safe safer
quiet + quieter than termina en (ER)
clean cleaner
cheap cheaper
// largo
dangerous more dangerous than
polluted + more polluted than
expensive more expensive than
superlative corto
the safest
the cheapest los supelativos cortos empiezan con (the)
the noisiest y terminan con (est)
// largo
the most dangerous
the most exciting a los superlativos largos se les pone
the most expencive al principio (the) + (most)
good = better tahn --the best
bad = worse than --the worst
you should see the new zoo =
you can take a bus tour =se puede tomar un tour en autobús
you shouldnt walk alone at night = usted no debe caminar sola por la noche
and = es cuando son cosas iguales feas o buenas
though = tiene que ser una q contradiga buen y mala
but = es pero se usa en cosas diferentes buenas o malas
however = significa sin embargo =como ugly o beautiful