La tecnología ingles
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busker:a person who entertains people for money in public places (singing, dancing).Scheme:plan, project.Boast:posses.Inspiring/ inspirational: simulating or exalting to the spirit.A la vanguardia de la tecnología: at the cutting edge os technology.Self-released single: that they published the singles themselves.Shoot:you shoot a film, a video.The charts:the best selling récords.Arrojar, lanzar:hurl.Let alone:without mentioning the fact that.Release:make a film, recording or other available to the public.Gear up for: equip or prepare oneself.Plug:to mention a product publicly in order to promote it. Sign to:to be employed in a place.Acts:performances. Perceived:that can be seen.Dismissed:rejected.To quit: give up.Staple:basic product.Undertake:carry out.Treble:increase threefold. Despise:to look down on smo.(despreciar).Hacer autostop:hithhike. Saltar, sacudir:jolt.Set off: begin a journey. Dismissively: rejecting.
launch:lanzar(a campaign).Debidamente:duly.Estar hecho para algo:to be cut out for sth.Leave it:walk out on it.Anterior, pasado:former.Apretados:gritted.Ella es una fuente de dinero:she is big business.Al por mayor:in bulk.Un nombre familiar:a household name. Artesanía:craft.Guarida:haunt.Críticos:reviewers. Slightly:a little.To rubbish my own work:to make little of my work.Which accounts for:which explains why. Bound to be:sure to be.Mark:point. Linger:go slowly. Pursue: to alfter, follow. Diverted:changed.Fuelled by: pushed by.One-off:unique.To get sth together:to organise sth.Borroso:blurred.Almacén:storehouse. Maldecir:curse.Sacar lo mejor de: make the most of. Highlighted:spotlighted.Recall:remember.Picturing: imagining.Mind's eye:the imagination.Boost:improve. Hallways:entrance.Vast:great.A batch of:a group of, a lot of.O have sth at your fingertips:to know sth perfectly. Pressurised:under pressure.Weird:mysterious.Scrap of:piece of.Goals:objectives.Grasp:understand.Readily: easily
launch:lanzar(a campaign).Debidamente:duly.Estar hecho para algo:to be cut out for sth.Leave it:walk out on it.Anterior, pasado:former.Apretados:gritted.Ella es una fuente de dinero:she is big business.Al por mayor:in bulk.Un nombre familiar:a household name. Artesanía:craft.Guarida:haunt.Críticos:reviewers. Slightly:a little.To rubbish my own work:to make little of my work.Which accounts for:which explains why. Bound to be:sure to be.Mark:point. Linger:go slowly. Pursue: to alfter, follow. Diverted:changed.Fuelled by: pushed by.One-off:unique.To get sth together:to organise sth.Borroso:blurred.Almacén:storehouse. Maldecir:curse.Sacar lo mejor de: make the most of. Highlighted:spotlighted.Recall:remember.Picturing: imagining.Mind's eye:the imagination.Boost:improve. Hallways:entrance.Vast:great.A batch of:a group of, a lot of.O have sth at your fingertips:to know sth perfectly. Pressurised:under pressure.Weird:mysterious.Scrap of:piece of.Goals:objectives.Grasp:understand.Readily: easily