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Conditionals and relative clauses

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overdrown estar en num. vermells well of, can't afford, broke, money to burn te diners per donar i vendre, in debt, owes deber, wealthy, stingy, pocket money, borrow_from deixar saving up for, charge for (cobrar per) waste_on , lend, overcharge me by cobrar+. PHRASAL VERBS club together (posar diners entre tots), knock smt. off (rebaixar), fork out (deixar anar), shop around (mirar botigues i comparar preus) sell out (vendre totes unitats).

tired(exhausted), scary(terriyfing), scared(petrified), impressive (spectacular), exciting(exhilarating), hungry(starving), big(gigantic),dirty(filthy), interested(fascinated). I was pleased when I was offered a job that I had applied for.  I was pleased when I was offered a job for which I had applied.

Juan Dnaiel Rules

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Presente simple:hablar de rutinas diarias, verdades univers, historias. [Suj+verb. infin+comp].Adverbios: always, usually, often, sometimes, hardly ever.ejemplo:they go to school Presente continuo:hablar de acciones que ocurren ahora. [suj+to be in present+vb ing+comp]. Adverbios: now, at the moment, today ejemplo: you’re Reading a book .Pasado simple:acciones terminadas. suj+verb pasado(-ed, 2ª)+comp. Adverbios: yesterday, last week, in 2005.ejemplo: they went to school pasado continuo: acciones en progreso en pasado, o acciones interrumpidas. [Suj+was/were+vb ing+comp.] [while+suj+vb ing, +ing o +ed] adverbios: at the moment, then, when, while.ejemplo: they were goint to school Pasado perfecto: hablar de acciones que han ocurrido antes

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VELAZQUEZ,THE SOUL OF EUROPEAN PAINTING :false,false.oustanding,link,yielding,aware.born(at the age of),such(wanted to),both(and),had waited(entered).COETZEE WINS NOBEL PRIZE :false(4),false(17/18).inquestionable,wholly,assumtions,swiftly.who(last),winning(had received),whose(wasn't choosen)about(his).TOBACCO WILL KILL I IN 3 CHINESE MEN :true(5/7),false(19/20).eventually,study,cessation,induced.who(worse),trying(starting),are(should),diseases(already).BEFORE ACQUIRING A DOG :true(5/10),false(23/24).pack,metes out,fee,disobedient.what(she had given),in spite(living),shuch(that),are said(have been).TELLING THE TIME :true(3/5),true(14).lsundials,liable,vipe,ingenuity.the watches wouldn't have benn invented,have(painted),be use(because of),playing(... Continuar leyendo "Renovable" »

Redacions Ingles

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Superheroes Fimls
Como yo lo veo, películas sobre superhéroes no son de alta calidad Films.Take la película Spider-Man para example.Spiderma 1 y 2 fueron un éxito en todo el mundo.
El carácter de la película es muy ingenua y no hace nada importante para el world.Moreover, esta película no enseña nada importante personas.El guión se basa en cosas superficiales que no tienen sentido. Vivimos en el mundo de la imagen y no básicos sobre lo importante en life.The efectos especiales son la única cosa que nosotros, los seres humanos, de hacer en cuenta.
Por supuesto, yo no veo estas películas porque son extremadamente istancia unreal.For, es imposible que el ser humano con subir esos edificios enormes.
Roger Federer
Roger Federer... Continuar leyendo "Redacions Ingles" »

Reality show

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Mostrar la realidad:
1.i que ser bailarina es una profusión muy difícil y la gente debe tomar esto muy seriously.there son programes como que ayuda a personas con talento y dispuesta a aparecer en televisión, pero creo que el éxito es muy difícil de lograr.
2.En el contrario, la gente necesita de los medios y oportunidades para demostrate su talento, sin embargo, puede la gente no tiene esta oportunidad y nunca se convierten en lo que les gustaría ser más mayor, al participar en un concurso, hay que trabajar por mucho tiempo time.and duro para cautivar a la audiencia.
3.En el otro duro, muchas de estas personas que participan en estos concursos están más interesados en ser famosos que en el aprendizaje de lo que se supone que learn.
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A mouse allows you to control the cursor and mové around the screen very quickly

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software, peripherals, main memory, hard drive, Hardware, input, ports: a socket or channel in the read pannel of the computer into which you can plug a wich range , output, central processing unit (CPU)
Peripherals {Input devices: mouse, keyboard: aset of keys on a terminal or computer, camera}{Output devices: monitor, printer}{Storage media: Magentic e.G. Hard drive; Optical, e.G. DVD ; Flash memory, e.G. Pen drive
Digitalcomputers divided into 5 tipos main (principal) : mainframes, desktop PCs, laptops, tablet PCs and handheld PDAs.
Include... ; Consist of...
Processor{Control Unit, Arithmetic logic unit(ALU):calculation ; Registers: Units of memory used to store and control data
System clock , clock speed = gigaHertz(GHZ)
Motherboard the main
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Texto de presente perfecto

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Present Perfect Continuous:

-Empesar en el pasado y todavía se continua en el presente

-Situación que recién a terminado, y deja o puede dejar una consecuencia

-Se usa para determinar x cuanto tiempo se desarrolla una act, no se especifica si la act. Se completo o no.

Estructura: Persona + have o has + been + ing

Presente  perfecto simple:

-Se utiliza para referirse a echos que comenzaron en el pasado, y se contuan en el presente

Estructura: Persona + have o has + participios

Redaction about healthy food

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Today health is very important for living a completely healthy and happy. Many think that to be in good health is careful not to get the flu, infections, etc, but it is not health also how you feel about your environment and everything in general in our lives. The conclusion as to whether a person is sick is not easy, sometimes the problems do not manifest to the naked eye and much depends on who is treating or curing us eg a doctor, family, etc. Health is very important because without it we could not do all the things we could not live and enjoy life.

Sufijos tion , sion , ity, ence , ness , ment

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prasal verbs: look out-tener cuidado/look after-cuidar/look for-buscar/look into-investigar/look forward to-estar deseando/look up to:admirar/take up-empezar/look over-revisar/turn down/break into/put off-aplazar/go up-incrementar/give up/stay out-lejos de casa

suffixes: ment,tion,sion,er,or,ity,ship,ness,ence,

ance/9.you should apologise for being late to the lesson

10.they hope to find soon the missing boy

 frases: 1.we had an argument abaut where to go/2.i feel like meeting her,she looks an interesting girl

3.would you mind helping me with the maths problems

4.i,d love you to have dinner with me tonigh

5.we stoped to take photos of the landscape

6.he forgot to take the keys before ging out

7.we had to put off the date because he was ill

8.what is... Continuar leyendo "Sufijos tion , sion , ity, ence , ness , ment" »

Ingles love actually

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realises that he secretly has feelings for her. Mortified, Mark creates an excuse to leave. On Christmas Eve, Mark shows up at Juliet and Peter's door posing as a carol singer with a portable CD player, and uses a series of cardboard signs to silently tell her that "at Christmas you tell the truth," and, "without hope or agenda... to me, you are perfect". As he leaves, Juliet runs after him and kisses him, before returning to Peter. Mark tells himself, "Enough, enough now," perhaps acknowledging that he's found closure and can move on with his life.
Jamie and Aurélia
Writer Jamie first appears preparing to attend Juliet and Peter's wedding. His girlfriend misses the ceremony allegedly due to illness, but when Jamie unexpectedly returns home... Continuar leyendo "Ingles love actually" »