Apuntes, resumenes, trabajos, examenes y problemas de Inglés

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Sufijos tion , sion , ity, ence , ness , ment

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prasal verbs: look out-tener cuidado/look after-cuidar/look for-buscar/look into-investigar/look forward to-estar deseando/look up to:admirar/take up-empezar/look over-revisar/turn down/break into/put off-aplazar/go up-incrementar/give up/stay out-lejos de casa

suffixes: ment,tion,sion,er,or,ity,ship,ness,ence,

ance/9.you should apologise for being late to the lesson

10.they hope to find soon the missing boy

 frases: 1.we had an argument abaut where to go/2.i feel like meeting her,she looks an interesting girl

3.would you mind helping me with the maths problems

4.i,d love you to have dinner with me tonigh

5.we stoped to take photos of the landscape

6.he forgot to take the keys before ging out

7.we had to put off the date because he was ill

8.what is... Continuar leyendo "Sufijos tion , sion , ity, ence , ness , ment" »

Ingles love actually

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realises that he secretly has feelings for her. Mortified, Mark creates an excuse to leave. On Christmas Eve, Mark shows up at Juliet and Peter's door posing as a carol singer with a portable CD player, and uses a series of cardboard signs to silently tell her that "at Christmas you tell the truth," and, "without hope or agenda... to me, you are perfect". As he leaves, Juliet runs after him and kisses him, before returning to Peter. Mark tells himself, "Enough, enough now," perhaps acknowledging that he's found closure and can move on with his life.
Jamie and Aurélia
Writer Jamie first appears preparing to attend Juliet and Peter's wedding. His girlfriend misses the ceremony allegedly due to illness, but when Jamie unexpectedly returns home... Continuar leyendo "Ingles love actually" »

Redacciones ingles

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Politics is not important. Do you agree?
A lot of people think that politics is unimportant; I think that although politics can be boring, it is very important to us. Firstly it is clean that politics affects our everyday lives. It is a fact that politicians are responsible for education, housing and health. Secondly, politicians have the power to change our society. Therefore we all need to vote so as to express our options. From my point of view the politics is very important in our lives.
Job application letter
I have seen you advertisement on the news paper, I enclose a copy of my CV, and I would be grateful if you considered me for the position. I that I would be suitable for the job .as you can see from my CV, I worked as a waiter last... Continuar leyendo "Redacciones ingles" »


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famosoIf I were famous I would not want people following me and wanted to know everything I do. if I wish it was famous for being a good footballer and be a great club like Real Madrid.
I would try not to be too greedy with money, have many famous friends and attendparties that were invited. would play with my friends to golf, tennis and many moregames.
I'd love to be famous because they have no problem and live well, have several good brands such as cars and porch Ferrary.
Anyway I'd love to be famous.

prosimo año:Next year I will change my high school to study art school but if I fail this course prefer to stay in school St. Isidore of Seville.
Next year I'll try getting my driving license for not having to move by public transport. Ipoint you
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Selectividad junio 2011

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An original way to meet people:

1)Because he needed Frank Ghery's permission for a project

2)Because the narrator got lost, he was afraid to be late to the meeting and he gave a dog with the car

3)Frank Ghery I strike the narrator because he killed your) dog, though the dog was very old and sick

4)FALSE: ''..She looked out and said calmly, That's my dog'' (LINE 6)

5)TRUE: "Great," I thought. "I need this man's approval, and I've just killed his dog."(line 9)

Eating Less Meat Could Save Lives:

1)They diminish to do farms of cattle to provide meat for the consumption

2)This produces many diseases to the people, often mortal, beside damaging the environment

3)Many people to reduced your consumption of meat, this will have a small effect. The red meat

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Verbos pasado presente futuro

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Presente simple

AS+:vb sin to o con s

N:S+don´t o dosen´t+vb

I:Do o Does+S+vb

Present continuous

A:S+be+vb - ing

N:S+be not+vb-ing


Present perfect simple




Past simple




Past continuous




Past perfect simple




Future simple




Future continuous




Future perfect simple

A:S+will have+vb partici

N:S+won´t have+vb part


Be going to

A:S+be+going to+vb

N:S+be not+going to+vb

I:be+S+going to+vb

Texto conflictivo:

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MODELO. Food is very important to live. I agree that a healthy life style is so important to live a great life because health is very important to do anything. If a person who is not healthy then he or she cannot do good thing. A healthy life is very important. I agree because of many reasons. In my opinion, who eat healthy food to do hard work. Food gives energy to do work. If a person who eats food which has vitamins and other nutrients then he or she will be free from diseases. A person who is not living a healthy lifestyle will feel lonely ant not be a happy person. For children it is very necessary to eat healthy food. I would like to say people should eat food for having good health.A strict dietis dangerous.Finally in my opinion, every... Continuar leyendo "Texto conflictivo:" »

Tiempos verbales en inglés: resumen completo

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Tiempos Verbales en Inglés


Presente Simple

Forma: Verbo en infinitivo (3a persona del singular añade -s/-es/-ies)

Ejemplos: Ella vive. No, no vive. ¿Dónde vive? ¿Vive?

Presente Continuo

Forma: am/is/are + verbo en -ing

Ejemplos: Estoy viviendo, que están viviendo, ella vive. Yo no estoy viviendo, no están viviendo. Estoy viviendo, se están viviendo, está viviendo.

Expresiones de tiempo: Por el momento, ahora, este fin de semana, este mes, en la actualidad, esta noche, mañana.


Pasado Simple

Forma: Verbo en pasado simple

Ejemplos: Viví. No viví. ¿Viviste?

Expresiones de tiempo: Atrás, ayer, anoche, el año pasado.

Pasado Continuo

Forma: was/were + verbo en -ing

Ejemplos: Yo vivía, usted estaba viviendo. Yo no estaba viviendo, no... Continuar leyendo "Tiempos verbales en inglés: resumen completo" »

Dominando los Tiempos Verbales en Inglés: Presente, Pasado y Perfecto

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Presente Simple

Se utiliza para describir acciones rutinarias o habituales. Ejemplo: I always laugh when I hear a good joke (Siempre me río cuando oigo un buen chiste).

  • Afirmativa: Sujeto + verbo (3ª persona singular añade '-s') + complemento.
  • Negativa: Sujeto + didn't + verbo en infinitivo + complemento.
  • Interrogativa: Did + sujeto + verbo en infinitivo + complemento?

Presente Continuo

Se utiliza en los siguientes casos:

  • Para hablar de una acción que está ocurriendo en este momento. Ejemplo: I am watching TV (Estoy viendo la televisión).
  • Para describir una acción habitual durante un periodo de tiempo. Ejemplo: I am studying second (Estoy estudiando segundo).
  • Para añadir información a una acción habitual. Ejemplo: I sometimes feel ill when
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Dominio de los Tiempos Verbales en Inglés

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Tiempos Verbales en Inglés

Tiempos Verbales en el Pasado

  • Past Continuous: Expresa acciones que tuvieron lugar en el pasado, pero en un momento concreto.

Ejemplo: I was eating a hot-dog. You were sleeping in the park.

  • Past Perfect Simple: Expresa acciones que han tenido lugar en el pasado, pero en un pasado anterior a otro pasado (el pasado del pasado).

Ejemplo: I´d / had gone when they arrived. He'd/had gone when they arrived.

  • Past Perfect Continuous: Se utiliza para dar énfasis a la duración de una acción pasada, que sucedió antes que otra acción pasada.

Ejemplo: I'd/had been running this morning. He'd/had been running…

Tiempos Verbales en el Futuro

  • Future Simple: Expresa una predicción del futuro, promesas, ofrecimientos o decisiones tomadas
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