Apuntes, resumenes, trabajos, examenes y problemas de Inglés

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excitdly(entusiasmadamnt)suddenly(repentina´)carelessly(descuida'')carefully(cuidadosa'')rudely(maleducada'')kindly(amable'')politeky(cortes'')noisily(ruidosa'')dully(debida'')appealing(atractivo)upbeat(optimista)powerull(poderoso)uninspiring(aburrido)controversial(controvertido)...useful(util)1 CONDITIONAL(If you read this book,you will like it-I won't pass my exams unless I study hard)2 CONDITIONAL(If I had a lot money,I would travel arraound the world-If I were you,I'd buy cheaper car)3 CONDITIONA( If I hd know,I would have called you)

COMPARATIVOS DE = ((This book is as interesting as that magazine.Buenos Aires is as expensive as Tokyo)) COMPARATIVO DE SUPERIORIDAD: ((This book is cheaper than that magazine.Paris is more interesting than

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Redacción en ingles sobre fast food

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Ilike chocolate=REALLY? I DON´T

I am Crazy abaout ice cream=OH! .I´M NOT

I can eat all kinds of food= BUT, I CAN´T

I don´t like sea food= REALLY, I LIKE IT

Iam not in the mood for a coffe= BUT, IAM

I can´t stand greazy food= OH, I LOVE IT

1))What kinds of food do you like?
-I love Chinese food.
- I really like Italian food, such as pizza, lasagna and spaghetti bolognaise.
2)What kinds of food you dont like?
- I dont like fast food. Its too greasy.
-I cant stand spicy food! It burns my mouth!

3)Imagine youre a customer in restaurant.
You want to order chicken curry and a mixed green salad with a French dressing. You want to drink an orange juice.

Imagine you are the waiter in a restaurant. Take the customer´s order.

Waiter: What would you like to order?... Continuar leyendo "Redacción en ingles sobre fast food" »

Palabras y Expresiones Clave en Inglés: Domina el Idioma con este Diccionario Práctico

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Vocabulario Esencial en Inglés: Lista Completa y Ejemplos Prácticos

Este documento presenta una recopilación de palabras y expresiones comunes en inglés, organizadas alfabéticamente para facilitar su consulta y aprendizaje. Cada término incluye su traducción al español y, en algunos casos, ejemplos de uso o notas adicionales.


  • Abroad: en el extranjero
  • Affect: perjudicar
  • Aim: dirigir
  • Amazed by: asombrado por
  • Amused by: divertido
  • Amusing: divertido
  • Avoid: evitar
  • Awful: horrible


  • Beat: ganar a
  • Blame: culpar
  • Bother: preocupar


  • Care about: preocuparse
  • Cast: reparto (de una película, obra de teatro, etc.)
  • Chances are…: lo más probable es…
  • Chance: oportunidad
  • Charge: acusación / acusar
  • Cheerful: alegre
  • Claim: afirmar
  • Court: cancha (de tenis, baloncesto,
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Análisis de Desastres Naturales, Cultura Popular y Fenómenos Sociales

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Desastres Naturales

1. Huracán Katrina (2005): En 2005, el huracán Katrina devastó parte de la costa estadounidense, inundando Nueva Orleans.

2. Rol de los océanos en la formación de tormentas: Según científicos, el aumento de la temperatura de los océanos, causado por el calentamiento global, juega un papel crucial en la formación de tormentas.

Barbie y la Imagen Corporal

1. Impacto en la autoimagen: Las niñas pueden sentirse inseguras e insatisfechas con su imagen, lo que puede causar trastornos alimenticios.

2. Advertencias en las escuelas: Se debe advertir a las niñas en las escuelas sobre los riesgos de la delgadez extrema y la irrealidad de ese ideal de belleza.

Música Digital: ¿Virtual o Plástico?

1. Precios de descarga: Los usuarios... Continuar leyendo "Análisis de Desastres Naturales, Cultura Popular y Fenómenos Sociales" »

Fonética Inglesa: Glosario de Términos Clave para la Producción de Sonidos

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Fonética Inglesa: Glosario de Términos Clave

Conceptos Fundamentales

  • Alveolar: Describe sonidos con un punto de articulación detrás de los dientes frontales superiores, contra la cresta alveolar. Ejemplos: [t, d, s].
  • Bilabial: Describe articulaciones en las que intervienen ambos labios (oclusivas y fricativas).
  • Grupo Consonántico (Cluster): Dos o más fonemas consonánticos en una secuencia, sin sonido vocálico entre ellos.
  • Consonante: Un sonido del habla que obstruye el flujo de aire a través del tracto vocal. Algunas consonantes lo hacen mucho, otras no tanto, por eso las separamos por grupos.
  • Oclusiva Glotal (Glottal Stop): Una consonante producida por el cierre de las cuerdas vocales. [?] Hay una obstrucción completa al paso del aire,
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Norman conquest and its consequences for the English Language:  From IX century settlement of Danes (England (N and E), France (Northern coast, Normandy).Normans (name given Scandinavian people who settled in the northern France), among other elements of the French civilization they gave up their language and learned French.  Edward the Confessor dies childless in the year 1066, his successor was Godwin, the earl of the West Saxon earldom. When Godwin dies a dispute for his throne was carried out between his son Harold and his cousin William the Great, duke of Normandy.  The rivalry between these men led to the Battle of Hasting, in which Harold was killed. However William had to wait till the citizen’s surrender to be crowned king of... Continuar leyendo "Applications" »

Inglés going to

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·we use will to make predictions about the future.
humans won't live on mars
·we use will to talk about decision made at the time of speaking
I think i'll go home
·we use will to make promises and to offer help
You look tired. i'll cook diner
·we use going to to talk about a plan or intention in the future
i'm going to teach you about your home
·we can use going to to make a prediction based on present evidence
i can see now that our planet is going to explode
·we use the present continius to talk about an arrangement at a definite time in the future
are you going to cinema at 8 p.m.?

·zero conditional( to talk abouth general truths) : If+present simple-present simple
present simple-if+present simple
IF there isn't a signal, mobiles phones don't

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Yes or not to the vegetarian food

The vegetarian food is more healthy, contains fewer fats and animals do not sacrifice themselves for his consumption.
The vegetarian food has more vitamins and on having contained fewer fats they contain less cholesterol, in addition it has more proteins. And no animal suffers in order that we feed. The vegetarian food consists of fruits, vegetables, vegetables, tofu and other rich food in proteins.
In my opinion the vegetarian food is more healthy than different.

The mode joins many persons

The models who form a part of the group of X have joined to assemble funds against the catastrophe in Japan.
The event has been realized in the city of Madrid, where they have paraded to assemble money it to send to Japan;... Continuar leyendo "Redacciones" »


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I think sports should be compulsory at school because they help us to keep fit and healthy.
Sports are good for everybody. Besides, they make people happier, that is to say, they become healthier and happier, when a person, for example, has studied hard, its very good to do some sport because it relaxes you before an exam, before a difficult situation, and so on.
As for health, they only have good points: they help the blood system to work better, the muscles get better, too, etc.
Finally, everybodys health and body become better after practising some sport, so, in my opinion, they should be practised at school.


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The carpenter is making furniture for her

El sujeto del rephrasing (al contrario que en pasiva regular)

es el objeto indirecto, ,luego añadimos have en el tiempo en  que este el verbo, el objeto directo yel verbo en participio

She is having furniture made.

I am going to call a gardener to design my garden

En esta ocasión el sujeto del rephrasing es él mismo qua el de

la frase dada (lo que nunca pasa en la pasiva regular) luego

have en el mismo tiempo que el verbo dado, luego el objeto

directo del infinitivo del objeto indirecto; y el verbo en

infinitivo del objeto indirecto en participio.

I am going to have my garden designed