Oraciones de relativo
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Oracio relativo.Whose:cuyo,who:person(quien),where:lugar(dnde),when:tiemp(cuand),which:cosa/animal.1)Who:the relativ pronoun cant be omitted becaus its a non-deffining relative clauses or sustituted for that.2)Who:the relativ pronoun can not be ommited because it is subject of the subordinate clause,but it can be substituted for that.3)Which:the relativ pronoun can be omitted for that,becaus is not the subject of the clause.4)Which:the relativ pronoun cant be omitted because it is the subject of the subordinate clause,but it can be substituted for that.5)Where:the relative pronoun cant be substituted for that but it can be ommited.6)Whose:the relativ pronoun cant be omitted or substituted for that because it is non-deffining relaitv clauses.
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