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Oraciones de relativo

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Oracio relativo.Whose:cuyo,who:person(quien),where:lugar(dnde),when:tiemp(cuand),which:cosa/animal.1)Who:the relativ pronoun cant be omitted becaus its a non-deffining relative clauses or sustituted for that.2)Who:the relativ pronoun can not be ommited because it is subject of the subordinate clause,but it can be substituted for that.3)Which:the relativ pronoun can be omitted for that,becaus is not the subject of the clause.4)Which:the relativ pronoun cant be omitted because it is the subject of the subordinate clause,but it can be substituted for that.5)Where:the relative pronoun cant be substituted for that but it can be ommited.6)Whose:the relativ pronoun cant be omitted or substituted for that because it is non-deffining relaitv clauses.

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Holmes and Watson were having breakfast when a Young man called McFarlane knocked at the door. He was a suspect of murder but he said he was innocent. He tells Holmes that a rich man called Oldacre called him because he was a lawyer and he wanted to write his will. Oldacre gave everything to McFarlane in his will because McFarlanes´s parents and Oldacre were friends. Oldacre was supposed to be murdered by McFarlane because there was a walking stick which belonged to McFarlane in his bedroom. Holmes started to investigate and discovered that McFarlane´s parents weren´t friends of Oldacre. Then, he went to Oldacre´s house where the housekeeper was nervous and didn´t tell the truth. Finally, Holmes made a trick and convinced the police to... Continuar leyendo "Resumen" »

Fernando Alonso

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to be born->nacer
to be able->ser capaz de..
career->carrera profesional
degree->carrera universitaria
him self->a si mismo
full time->tiempo completo
part time->tiempo parcial
become->convertirse en/llegar a ser
couple of-> un par de ..(tiempo)
however-> no bastante/sin embargo
to take part->tomar parte
over->alrrededor de..
to gether->juntos
chant->canta (himno)
hold up->mantener/sostener
como true-> hacerse realidad
at the age of-
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Ghost stories

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FULLCIRCLESetting:The house called “fullcircle”Characters:-Harry Peck-Leithen-Lord Carteron-Juliand and Ursula Giffen-Mary Elliston-Mr Percy Blaker-Doctor SwoperPlot:Harry Peck and his friend Leither were of excursion until they arrived at the house called "fullcircle". Leithen explained Harry all the history of that house, who built it and all the histories of the people that had lived there, until the last habitants, the Giffen, friends of Leithen. Julian and Ursula Giffen invited the boys to spend a few days there, while, Harry continued being reported of the dense history of that house. They had a very good time drinking tea, fishing, etc. All the habitants seemed to have something in common: their transformation to Christianity. The
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Texto 2

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1- A) True:“the equivalent of 18,600 primary school children are skipping school every day, up from 17,300 last year”.

B) False:“Apart from illness, the biggest reason for authorized absence is a family holiday”.

C) False:“There has always been a link between social class and absence from school, with some (though not all) working-class communities placing a low value on schooling”.

D) True:“Schools and local authorities are … penalizing those parents who ignore this responsibility by using the range of measures available to them…”.

2- A) The government are not making any new changes to reduce truancy but they are continuing to provide support to parents with problems and to punish parents who do not sent

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Libro lectura

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Guy Fawkes (13 April 1570 to 31 January 1606), also known as Guido Fawkes, the name adopted while fighting for the Spanish in the Netherlands, belonged to a group of provincial English Catholics who planned the failed conspiracy gunpowder, 1605. It wasa failed attempt to assassinate King James I of England and VI of Scotland by a group of provincial English Catholics led by Robert Catesby.
MU. The death of Alex Forley is very confusing because we do not know if it is a suicide or a murder, but eventually you know. Wilver (Forley's doctor), he discovers that his patient has an affair with his wife Lisa. He faked the results and told Alex that he had abrain tumor, he did because he was afraid his... Continuar leyendo "Libro lectura" »


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Multi-word VERBOS: frases verbales, los verbos de preparación, con partícula-PREP múltiples verbo otras construcciones verbales palabra. Multi-word verbos dividen en cuatro clases: PHRASAL VERBS: verbos seguidos de las partículas adverbiales. Verbos compuestos más comunes: intransitivo: ¡Anímate! Estás de vacaciones. Muy común en la conversación y la ficción. PhrV intransitivo más comunes son los de actividad utilizados como comandos y que a menudo se presentan como imperativos. Eclaratives D cláusulas, + común verbos intransitivos phrasal normalmente sujeto humano. Por ejemplo, él sólo se sentó y se quejó todo el tiempo. + combinación intransitivo común en la conversación se come on: 3 funciones principales: 1-de exclamación

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- Ser o no ser: esa es la cuestión.
- Ama a todos, confía en pocos, hacen mal a nadie.
- Buenas noches, buenas noches! Partir es un dolor tan dulce.
- ¡No tengáis miedo de la grandeza. Algunos nacen grandes, otros alcanzan la grandeza,
y algunos tienen la grandeza sobre ellos.
- Si se pincha nosotros no sangramos? Si nos hacen cosquillas no nos reímos?
Si nos envenenan no morimos? Y si mal nosotros, la venganza no ¿de acuerdo?
- Hay más cosas en el cielo y la tierra, Horacio,
que se puede soñar tu filosofía.
- Si usted puede mirar en las semillas del tiempo, y dicen que grano
crecerá y que no, habla luego a mí.
- El amor buscado es bueno, pero no buscada dado es mejor.
- Si pierdo mi honor, me pierdo.
- No es suficiente para hablar,
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El auge de las bandas tributo: Experiencia musical inigualable

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El auge de las bandas tributo

Un fenómeno musical en crecimiento

La audiencia aplaude y vitorea. Cantan a coro, familiarizados con cada palabra. Algunos incluso lloran, conmovidos hasta las lágrimas porque sus canciones favoritas están siendo interpretadas en vivo por una banda que aman. Lo extraño es que esta banda no se había reunido desde 1983. Sus miembros tienen más de 50 años, mientras que los músicos en el escenario deben estar en sus 20. Eso es porque en realidad se trata de una banda tributo.

Hay alrededor de 10.000 bandas tributo solo en Gran Bretaña, y miles más en Europa, Australia y EE. UU. Las bandas tributo no solo imitan la música; recrean la experiencia de ver a la banda original en concierto, hasta el más mínimo... Continuar leyendo "El auge de las bandas tributo: Experiencia musical inigualable" »

Expressions idiomàtiques, phrasal verbs i redacció en anglès

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Bite off more than one can chew - Voler fer més del que es pot. Bite somebody's head off - Reaccionar de forma brusca, amb males maneres. (To be) Food for thought - (Ser) motiu de reflexió. (Can't) Get a word in edgeways - (No poder) dir gairebé res / parlar. Have one's cake and eat it - Voler tenir-ho tot. I'll eat my hat if... - Que em matin si... / Em menjaré les meves paraules si... Not my cup of tea - No (és) el meu preferit/da, no m'agrada. (To be a) Piece of cake - Bufar i fer ampolles / fàcil. Put all one's eggs in one basket - Posar-ho tot sobre una carta. Sell like hotcakes - Vendre's com a pa beneït, amb una gran facilitat i rapidesa. Speak one's mind - Parlar clar, dir allò que es pensa. Take (something) with a pinch of

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