Apuntes, resumenes, trabajos, examenes y problemas de Inglés

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The picture of dorian gray black cat resumen

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RESUMEN: Basil was a painter and he painted/ was painting a portrait of Dorian Gray who was a handsome young man. Doriam met Lord Henry at Basil's studio and he influenced Dorian. Basil liked the portrait. Howeber Dorian didn't like it and he took the the portrait to his house.

Dorian started to go out with Lord Henry. Once he met an actress (Sibyl Vane) and he wanted to married her. One day her performane was terrible and Dorian was very cruel with her. Then she took some poison and died. Dorian was worried for Sibyl, but Lord Henry conviced him that il wasn't his fault. After this Dorian's portrait started tp change and he looked ugly and cruel in it.

For a long time he was going to parties and he had a bad reputation. Basil went to see him... Continuar leyendo "The picture of dorian gray black cat resumen" »

Libro de lectura de ingles

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Lord Jim Jim is a young english boy whose dream is to be hero and save people.He studies to be a sailor but doesn´t help when there is a problem so he promises himself that next time he will help to save others.He finds a job on a ship the patna which carries pilgrims to Macca but one night there is a problem and the officers including Jim abandon ship leaving behind everybody.Later there is an inquiry and Jim loses his license but he meets a man called Marlow he finds him  job to give him confidence.A friend of his Stein has a trading post in Patusan which needs a new boss because Cornelius has taken money.Stein gives Jim a silver ring to give to Doramin who will help him.After a long journey Jim is kindnaped by The Rajah and his men but... Continuar leyendo "Libro de lectura de ingles" »


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 burguers:hamburguesas crisps:patatas fritas fatty food: comida grasa fizzy drinks: bebida con gas junk food: comida basura processed food:comida preparada vegetables:verdura go for a walk:dar un paseo healthy:saludable/sano overweight:con sobrepeso unfit:en baja forma unhealthy:malo para la salud diabetes:diabetes obesity:obesidad be active:ser activo couch potato: teleadicto change your habits:cambiar los hábitos eat too much :comer demasiado eating habits:habitos de alimentacion exercise regularly:hacer ejercicio con regularidad feel tired: sentirse cansado feel/get stressed :sentirse estresado/estresarse get fit:ponerse en forma sleep regularly:dormir regularmente weight-related illness/problems: enfermedad relacionada con el peso 

The mystery of the blue mines resumen

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Fog--- niebla
forward--- adelante
roofs -- techos
owners---- propietarios
sharp--- afilado
When they begin a series of strange events in the Blue Mines where people die without knowing the cause.
This chapter I found very intriguing.
Steve Malone. He is very brave.
Sheila. She is beautiful and very sympathetic.
Eddie. He is a native who works in the mines and he is very humble.
Dave is a rude, bad and unbearable.
No, because the ending is unexpected and like it. I'm suprised because the person you least expect is really bad.

Dominando Phrasal Verbs en Inglés: Conversación Práctica

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Escenario: Entrevista de Trabajo

A: Good morning, sir. My name is Alex Soto. How are you?

S: Fine, thanks. My name is Sergio, the company’s manager and owner. How can I help you?

A: I am looking for a new job because I want to change my current job.

S: Really? Why?

A: Because my boss is always putting me down.

S: Oh! I can work it out! That's so bad!

A: Yes, and I have been working there so hard, and I haven’t been able to get away for several months.

S: Don’t try to lie to me because I can see right through you.

A: No, that’s true. That’s why I look so tired.

S: What are you getting at? I don’t really understand.

A: I mean that I am being honest, completely honest.

S: Ok, I got it, but don’t expect me to fall for your excuse. I wasn’t... Continuar leyendo "Dominando Phrasal Verbs en Inglés: Conversación Práctica" »

La tecnología ingles

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busker:a person who entertains people for money in public places (singing, dancing).Scheme:plan, project.Boast:posses.Inspiring/ inspirational: simulating or exalting to the spirit.A la vanguardia de la tecnología: at the cutting edge os technology.Self-released single: that they published the singles themselves.Shoot:you shoot a film, a video.The charts:the best selling récords.Arrojar, lanzar:hurl.Let alone:without mentioning the fact that.Release:make a film, recording or other available to the public.Gear up for: equip or prepare oneself.Plug:to mention a product publicly in order to promote it. Sign to:to be employed in a place.Acts:performances. Perceived:that can be seen.Dismissed:rejected.To quit: give up.Staple:basic product.Undertake:
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Pretérito perfecto simple+gerundio

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Pre.Imperfecto.I:expresa una acción durativa en el pasado.Descripción.pretérito perfec.Simple.I:expresa una acción perfectiva y puntual en el pasado.Narración.pre.Perfecto.Compuesto.I:expresa una acción acabada en un pasado

muy próximo.pre.Plus.I: pasada anterior a otra tmb pasada.pre.Anterior.I:anterior a otra pasada.futuro:posterior al presente del hablante. condicional :posibilidad en el presente o futuro.presente:posible o probable en el futuro.imperfecto:posible o probable en pasado.


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Article:title,tell us what the article is about, first paragraph, introduce the topic, get the readers interest (hav you ever...? I have/ it all started...), second paragraph, second paragraph, say what you did and how you felt before the contest (on the day of the contest,/before it started,/ I felt really...), third paragraph, describe the contest and how you felt during it (I´ve never felt so...), fourth paragraph, conclude and look to the future (it was the best/worst/most exciting,etc esperience I´ve never had.

Letter: first line, great your penfriend (dear...,),first main paragraph, thank penfriend for letter; mention something in their letter but not their problem (hi! how are you?/thanks four your letter)second main paragraph,mention... Continuar leyendo "Writing" »

Redaccion 2

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I definetily think it's important to wear fashionable and expensive clothes. I agree ignoring or looking down on someone because he doesn't wear expensive clothes is utterly unfair. Human beings should be well considered by taking into account their good qualities, that is to say, if they are nice, generous, intelligent, sensitive, sensible and so on. But unfortunately such a consideration can't very often be seen. For instance, if you are walking in the street and someone comes up to you and asks you about the time, you'll feel better and more comfortable is that person is a sharp dresser. And if you apply for a job you'd better wear expensive clothes if you want to get yourself a well-paid job.

In my view horoscopes are funny stuff. Some people
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  -ing or -ed.feels---ed/person o cosa---ing.
pharasal verbs.-break up-romper una relacion/chat up-charlar/ask out-pedir salir/turn down-rechazar
go out with-salir juntos/find out-averiguar/ger over-recuperarse.
**too+adj-demasiado/so+adj+that-tan bueno...que/adj+enough-suficientemente/such a+adj-tan que...
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