The picture of dorian gray black cat resumen
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RESUMEN: Basil was a painter and he painted/ was painting a portrait of Dorian Gray who was a handsome young man. Doriam met Lord Henry at Basil's studio and he influenced Dorian. Basil liked the portrait. Howeber Dorian didn't like it and he took the the portrait to his house.
Dorian started to go out with Lord Henry. Once he met an actress (Sibyl Vane) and he wanted to married her. One day her performane was terrible and Dorian was very cruel with her. Then she took some poison and died. Dorian was worried for Sibyl, but Lord Henry conviced him that il wasn't his fault. After this Dorian's portrait started tp change and he looked ugly and cruel in it.
For a long time he was going to parties and he had a bad reputation. Basil went to see him... Continuar leyendo "The picture of dorian gray black cat resumen" »