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Could favor

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I don't like it (no me gusta)

It bothers me (me molesta)

I hate it(odio)

It upsets me(me disgusta)

I can't stand it (yo no puedo soportar) +When+subject+verb(s) 

I don't mind it (no me importa)

I love it(me encanta)

It embarrasses me(me averguenza)

It doesn't bother me (no me molesta)


•Could  you let me use your car(podrias tu dejarme usar tu auto?)

•could you lend me some money (podrias tu prestarme algo de dinero?)

•could you take care of my pet while i'm away(podrias cuidar a mi mascota mientras estoy lejos? )

•could you help me move into my new apartment(podrias ayudarme a moverme a my nuevo depto?)

•could you let me borrow your homework(podrias tu prestarme tu tarea?)... Continuar leyendo "Could favor" »

Opinión televisión

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In my opinion,TV has many advantages and disadvantages.Nowadays,it is the most important source of information,it keeps us informed about what is happening around the world.Also it is a very popular form of spending free time, because it provides good entertainment of every kind, for example thanks to television we can watch great movies, shows, cartoons and listen to our favourite music. It also has educational possibilities,because it shows many documentaries,science programmes, etc.For other side, television has a lot of disadvantages.For example,it stops people from talking, communicating their feelings. Also, television can shatter our health, because we do not go out, jog, or do exercise. Too, kids are exposed to silly cartoons and... Continuar leyendo "Opinión televisión" »

I was doing my homework when i suddenly heard a loud noise

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The accident at the San Lorenzo street :
An ordinary day, when I was doing my homework, I heard a loud noise, a noise louder than the turbine of an airplane.
I looked out the window and saw that two cars had collided. The crash was at the intersection of the street of San Lorenzo and Gutenberg. All the people left their houses to see the accident.
I was very surprised because people had very hurt. The crash happened because the driver of one car had not followed the street signs.
A few seconds later, one of the neighbors that was there, she called the pólice and the ambulance.
Suddenly, the pólice came, who helped the wounded. Too interrogate to the drivers
Later, the ambulance arrived. They took the injured to the nearest hospital. When they
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The Cyclops' Cave

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god´s actions and role the olympian gods were living on the mount olympus,associated,today,with the higher peak of the fallest montain range olympos in greece. It is located 100 kms south west of thessaloniki in the north of greece. The most famous and important olympian gods are twelve but ather minor deties and gods were also welcome to live there for example Zeus, Poseidón,Hades,hestia,hera ,aris,athena,apollo,aphrodite,hermes,artemis,etc

odysseus describes his meeting with the cyclops and how he has to be intelligent in order to scape from him. Odysseus wont to kill the cyclops when he was asleep but odysseus needs the cyclops to mové the rock of the entrance of the cave to be able to go. Odysseus offered wine to his enemy and the cyclops... Continuar leyendo "The Cyclops' Cave" »

Repaso Completo de la Gramática Inglesa: Tiempos Verbales, Pasiva, Estilo Indirecto y Condicionales

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Repaso de Gramática Inglesa: Tiempos Verbales, Voz Pasiva, Estilo Indirecto y Condicionales

Tiempos Verbales

  • Present Perfect Simple: has/have + participio pasado (PP). Describe una acción que ocurrió en el pasado pero no se indica cuándo. Uso de ever, never, just, already, yet. (People have traveled to the Moon)
  • Present Perfect Continuous: has/have + been + -ing. Para hablar de una acción que ha acabado hace poco o que acaba de terminar. También se usa para decir cuánto tiempo ha durado una actividad. Uso de for, since, how long. (I have been living here since 2006)
  • Past Simple: verbo + -ed. Acción que ya terminó. (You called Juan / Did you call Juan?)
  • Past Continuous: was/were + -ing. Algo que estaba sucediendo mientras... Uso de while
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Domina el Inglés: Tiempos Verbales, Voz Pasiva y Más

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Pasado Simple en Inglés

  • En pasado simple, tienes dos formas de verbo: irregular y regular.
  • Los verbos regulares son a los que se les agrega -ed al final.
  • Los verbos irregulares son los que cambian (por ejemplo, go -> went).
  • Expresiones como yesterday, last weekend, entre otras, indican el pasado.

Presente Simple en Inglés

  • A los verbos en tercera persona (he, she, it) se les agrega una -s al final (por ejemplo, work -> works).
  • Para la primera y segunda persona, el verbo queda igual (por ejemplo, I work, you work, they work).
  • Para negar una oración o convertirla en pregunta, se usa do como auxiliar.
  • Si el sujeto de la oración es tercera persona (he, she, it), se usa does.

¿Por qué se usa does?

  • Porque, al ser tercera persona, hay que agregarle
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Verbos Ingleses Esenciales: Tiempos Verbales y Expresiones Clave

Enviado por Lucía y clasificado en Inglés

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Este documento presenta una lista de verbos y expresiones clave en inglés, junto con ejemplos y explicaciones. El objetivo es ayudar a comprender y utilizar correctamente los tiempos verbales y las expresiones más comunes en inglés.

Tiempos Verbales y Expresiones Claves

A continuación, se presentan algunos ejemplos de tiempos verbales y expresiones, junto con sus traducciones y usos:

  • I (don´t) see (yo veo) / I (didn´t) saw (yo vi)
  • I´m seeing (Yo estoy viendo) / I was seeing (yo estaba viendo)
  • I have seen (yo he visto) / I had seen (yo había visto)
  • I will see (yo veré) / I would see (yo vería)
  • I can see (yo veo) / I could see (yo veía)
  • I must see (debo ver) / I had to see (debía ver)

Ejemplos de uso:

  • I don't see the point (No veo el punto)
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Word formation

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-al: arrive, approve,bury,refuse,revive survive dismiss

-ance: appear, disappear, perform

-ation: create,civilize, educate, explain, found, organize,preserve,vary

-ion: construct, destruct, discuss,invent

-ment: amuse, arrange,develop, embarrass,improve excite, retire

-ing: begin, drive, feel, heat, learn, lodge, mean, read, write

- ness: agressive, aware, blind, deaf, dark, happy, ill, lonely, mad, sad, serious, weak

-ity: complex, creative dense, curious, equeal, formal, generous, productive, porsperous, regular, secure, superior

-ance: abundant, elegant, extravagant, ignorant, important, relevant

-ence: adolescent, coherent, competent, confident, decadent, different, innocent, intelligent, obedient, patient, present, resident, reverent, violent


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Pasiva redacion

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My vacations: my last vacations where not so much interesting in trips. because my family went to GRANADA to spend all july and I stood here working as a painter, I could see my girlfriend every day and thanks to that our relationship got strengh at once that I can say she`s the love of my life. Getting back to the vacations I can tell that on agoust I went one weekend to matalascañas with my girlfriend , and I had a really good time; the beach, the sun and the friends are the perfect combination to me, during the nights I went to dance. The rest of my vacations have had two unforgettable and amazing weekends in which I went with my girlfriend to the zoo and to the doñana park. In September the clases started again at college and I farewell

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Dominando la Gramática Inglesa: Oraciones Relativas, Verbos Modales, Condicionales, Voz Pasiva y Vocabulario Esencial

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Oraciones Relativas

  • who/that (gente, quien)
  • which/that (cosas o ideas)
  • whose (cuyo)
  • when/that (tiempo, cuando)
  • where (donde, lugar)

Verbos Modales

Obligación, Consejo y Prohibición

  • must/have to (obligación)
  • don't have to/needn't (no es obligatorio)
  • ought to/should/shouldn't/must (consejo)
  • mustn't/can't (prohibición)

Capacidad y Permiso

  • can (habilidad en el presente)
  • could (habilidad en el pasado)
  • can/could/may (pedir permiso y hacer proposiciones)
  • can/can't (permiso en el presente)
  • could/couldn't (permiso en el pasado)

Especulativos y de Deducción

  • may/might/could/might not (especulación)
  • can't (deducción negativa)
  • must (deducción afirmativa)


  • may/might have + past participle (posibilidad en el pasado)
  • should/shouldn't have + past participle (crítica
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