Texto a completar de simple past y present perfect
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Present Simple: rutinas y hábitos. They play tennis, don't play tennis, Are you play tennis.
Present Continuos: cosas que stan pasando. They are listening, not studing, are the chatting.
every day, at the weekend, often, sometimes, always, never. Once a week.
Used to: I used to live in Londo, she didn't use to be thin, did you use to go to this school?
Past Simple: he performed in the concert, we didn't perform, did you perform.
Past Continuous: he was standing, I wasn't standing, Were you standing.
yesterday, last week, month year and year ago.
Past simple/Past continuos: He was living in London when he got the news.
Present Perfect Simple: I have worked, I haven't worked, Have I worked. Time expression: ever(alguna vez),
just(acabar de), already(... Continuar leyendo "Texto a completar de simple past y present perfect" »