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Perífrasis Verbales y Usos del 'Se' en Español

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Perífrasis Verbales


  • Obligación: tener que, deber, haber de, haber que + infinitivo
  • Probabilidad: venir a, deber de + infinitivo
  • Posibilidad: poder + infinitivo


  • Ingresivas: ir a, estar por, estar a punto de + infinitivo
  • Incoativas: ponerse a, romper a, comenzar a, echarse a, empezó a
  • Frecuentativas: soler + infinitivo
  • Reiterativas: volver a + infinitivo
  • Durativas: estar, andar, venir, ir, seguir + gerundio
  • Terminativas: dejar de, acabar de, terminar de, llegar a, cesar de + infinitivo
  • Perfectivas: traer, dejar, quedar, estar, tener, llevar, verse, sentirse + participio

Tipos de Se

  • Se eufónico: Lo di a Juan / Se lo di
  • Se pronombre reflexivo: María se peina
  • Se recíproco: Juan y María se besan
  • Se causativo: Juan se cortó ayer el pelo
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Guía Completa de Gramática Inglesa: Pronombres, Sufijos, Prefijos, Indirecto, Pasiva, Condicionales, Conectores y Tiempos Verbales

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Guía Completa de Gramática Inglesa


Who - Persona // Which - Cosas // Whose - Posesión

Sufijos y Prefijos

Sufijos de nombres: -ment / -(t/s)ion / -(e/o)r / -ity / -ship / -ness / -ence

Sufijos de adjetivos: -ed / -ing / -ful / -less / -ous / -al / -able / -ive / -ant

Prefijos opuestos: un- / im- / in- / il- / dis- // mal- / mis- // en- (ej: slave - esclavo; enslave - esclavizar)

Discurso Indirecto (Reported Speech)

eat - ate / ate - had eaten / will eat - would eat / are eating - were eating / were eating - had been eating / have eaten - had eaten / have been eating - had been eating / had eaten - = / had been eating - =

can - could / may - might / have to - had to / will - would

now - then / today - that day / tonight - that night / yesterday... Continuar leyendo "Guía Completa de Gramática Inglesa: Pronombres, Sufijos, Prefijos, Indirecto, Pasiva, Condicionales, Conectores y Tiempos Verbales" »

Mobile phone

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1-how did peter parker get his webslinger?: thanks to the new talents provided provided by the radiation and the spider's bite.

2-hoe is it possible to get silk from a goat?:

3-F 5-6,T 6-7,F 12,T 12


1-why is asia an attractive market for tobacco multinational?: because of its extremely high population / because there are fewer restrictions on tobacco publicity

2- why did Phillip morris introduce their virginia slims in hong kong?: because they expected women to start smoking

3-F 3-4,F 4-5,T 5-6-7-8 ,F 14-15


1-how did the study evaluate the intelligence of the different types of dog?: the study evaluated the intelligent of the different types of dogs according to their ability to learn orders and to remember

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Aprende y Domina las Preposiciones de Lugar en Inglés: Guía Práctica

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Preposiciones de Lugar en Inglés: Tu Guía Completa

Aprende a usar correctamente las preposiciones de lugar en inglés con esta práctica guía. Mejora tu vocabulario y comprensión del idioma.

Preposiciones Comunes de Lugar

along (alóng) - a lo largo de
around (aráund) - alrededor de, cerca de, por
round (ráund) - alrededor de, en torno a, por
against (eguénst) - contra, en contra de
on top of (on tóp ov) - encima de, sobre, arriba de
at the bottom of (at de bótom ov) - en la base de, debajo de, en el fondo de
in front of (in frónt ov) - enfrente de
opposite (óposit) - enfrente de, frente a
behind (bijáind) - detrás, detrás de
over (óuver) - encima de, sobre
under (ánder) - debajo de, bajo
beneath (biníiz) - bajo, debajo de
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Mr. Frankenstein was a very popular investor. One day he creates a monster and after that he decided to escape. People who see the monster reject it, so the monster decision is to hide in a forest. There, it learns the language by spying on a family. After that, it finds the doctor and asks him for a “person” like him but with the opposite sex. First, Mr. Frankenstein agrees but before thinking twice he decides to not carry on with the project. So the monster gets angry and swears revenge. At the Frankenstein wedding night the monster appears and kills his wife. Then, Frankenstein tries to escape but the monster caught him in a boat with direction to the North Pole and kills him. Finally, the monster decides to suicide.

Diálogos de un cooking show

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Cristina'S SHOW

Hello! Follow me. Welcome to the new cooking show . My name is Cristina and the récipe that I present today is the plumcake. For that we need...

Flour: 250 grams

Butter: 250 grams

Sugar: 250 grams

Candied fruit: 250 grams

Currants: 150 grams

Eggs: 4 units

Baking powder: 3 envelopes

Ron: 2 cups

Milk: 50 cc

White vermouth 1 cup

And these are the ingredients

With all this, we start the récipe.

First we put rum in a bowl and add raisins. The raisins are softened after a while to soak.

Second cut the candied fruit and leave it with raisins

Third, in a preheated bowl mix butter and sugar until it looks creamy.

Then, while beating, add eggs and flour previously mixed with yeast.

Thoroughly mixed so that no lumps of flour

Moreover strained free from... Continuar leyendo "Diálogos de un cooking show" »

Errors, correction and remedial work

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The main reason for errors are poor materials,bad teaching,errors from the learning process,and mother tongue interference.The errors are a very bad thing and signal a breakdown in the teaching and learning process.Certainly,this was the accepted view for many years.The mentalists regard that a learner must make errors as a necessary part of the l-ng.Errors will always be made,and have direct implications for remedial work.The teacher needs to plan his remedial work of them into the sillabus for the coming week and months.The learners brings with him one source of errors:His mother tongue,and the learning process itself is the source of other errors.The first stage is to establish what the error is.The second stage is to establish the possible
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Ciencia 17

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EROSION Y DESERTIZACION DEL SUELO:intensificado por accion humana.FACTORES:-EROSIVIDAD:capacidad erosiva del AGE predominante,depende del clima.Muy importante para elaborar mapas.(-INDICE DE ARIDEZ:formula(tabla de Martonne),segun climogramas.I=p/t+10-INDICE DE AGRASIVIDAD CLIMATICA:Fournier.Ia=P2/P-INDICE DE EROSION PLUVIAL:R=E*I30/100(30 minutos))EROSIONAVILIDAD:susceptibilidad del suelo para se movilizado.Depende del tipo de suelo,pendiente,vegetacion.-INCLINACION DE PENDIENTES:>15% CONLLEVA A RIESGO DE EROSION.S=A*100/D distancia-ESTADO DE LA CUBIERTA VEGETAL,INDICE DE PROTECCION VEGETAL:Gr=1-Ip.-SUSCEPTIBILIDAD DEL TERRENO,INDICE DE RESISTENCIA LITOLOGICA:0.9 rocas duras basicas,0.7 duras acidas,0.6 calizas.DESERTIZACION Y DESERTIFICACION:

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Mobile phones in cinemas selectividad resuelto

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mobile phones in social life  1a T.So5-final 1bT.3P if-outset 2a Because the mobile phones,on occasion,is inappropiate tecnology, by example in the funeral.2b the text recommends you come across some rude mobile phone addicts, don´t hesitate to interrupt and ask them to mové away, to switch off.3a perhaps b outset c apologise d conne across 4a using b have been-than c who-from

Acción reivimdicatoria

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el verbo to be se traduce por ser o estar y por tener//Have got significa tener y se utiliza para expresar posesión//Can y Can't se traduce por poder y saber.En pasado se utiliza Could y Couldn't//Presente Simple sive para explicar cosas que suceden habitualmente.//Presente Continuos indica que una acción esta ocurriendomientras se habla y también se puede utilizar para describir planes de futuro.//Past Simple se utiliza para hablar de acciones que ocurrieron en un momento de terminado del pasado.//Pasado Continuo se utiliza para hablar de algo que estaba ocurriendo en un momento determinado del pasado.//Advevios se forma añadiendo -ly.//Have to expresa obligación o la necesidad de hacer algo.