Essential English Vocabulary: Mastering Key Words and Phrases
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Essential English Vocabulary
cope with - hacer frente, solucionar / realise - darse cuenta de / fair - justo
iron - hierro / pour - servir / warn - avisar / fear - miedo / run after - perseguir
look away - apartar mirada / helpful - amable / run off with - escaparse
spiky - de punta / run into - encontrarse
thrill - emoción / pretend - fingir
startled - sorprendido / look through - ignorar / treacherous - peligroso
cosy - cómodo / arrange - planear / deliver - entregar / request - petición
brave - valiente / hesitate - dudar / accomplishment - logro / seek - buscar
award - premio / short-tempered - mal genio / endurance - resistencia
long for - desear
defeat - derrota / harmless - inofensivo / steel - acero
challenge - reto / underestimate - subestimar... Continuar leyendo "Essential English Vocabulary: Mastering Key Words and Phrases" »