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Vocabulari de negocis en anglès

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Chaterbox: Xerraire Deadline: Data limit Knowledge: Coneixement Overtime: Hores extra Privilege: Privilegi Rise: Augment Shift: Canvi Staff: Personal Stuff: Material Team player: Jugador d’equip Challenge: Desafiar Commute: Canviar/commutar Fire: Acomiadar Flourish: Prosperar Freelance: Treballar per lliure Presume: Suposar Promote: Promocionar Propose: Proposar Raise: Augmentar Resign: Dimitir Switch: Agitar/canviar Accomplished: Hàbil, experta Assertive: Enèrgic Conscientious: Encaparrat d fer algo Devoted: Dedicat Experienced: Experiència Pushy: Persona activa, emprenedora Reliable: Fiable Rewarding: Valuós Self-employed: Autònom Skilled: habilitats Trustworthy: Honrat Unapproachable: Inaccessible (no pots arribar) Be bound to: Estar... Continuar leyendo "Vocabulari de negocis en anglès" »

Vocabulario Esencial en Inglés: Phrasal Verbs y Expresiones Comunes para Viajes

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Phrasal Verbs y Expresiones Comunes en Inglés

Phrasal Verbs con *Keep*

  • Keep at: Seguir con
  • Keep up with: Seguir al día
  • Keep on: Seguir, continuar
  • Keep out of: Alejarse de algo

Phrasal Verbs con *Get*

  • Get on: Subir a (un transporte)
  • Get off: Bajarse
  • Get on: Llevarse (bien/mal con alguien)
  • Get back: Volver

Phrasal Verbs con *Look*

  • Look after: Cuidar a
  • Look at: Mirar
  • Look for: Buscar
  • Look forward to: Estar deseando
  • Look round: Venir al sitio, mirar alrededor

Otros Phrasal Verbs

  • Take off: Despegar
  • Fall of: Caerse de
  • Pick up: Recoger
  • Set off: Salir (de viaje)
  • Count on: Contar con
  • Fall out with: Enfadarse con
  • Sort out: Solucionar
  • Check in: Facturar (en un hotel o aeropuerto)
  • Drop off: Dejar a alguien (en un lugar)
  • Hang out: Pasar el rato

Expresiones Comunes para Viajes


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Glossari de Termes i Expressions en Anglès

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TEMA 4: Nous: Exhibit: exposició, Firm: empresa, Flavour: sabor, Mood: humor, Odour: olor, Pattern: dibuix, Purchase: compra, Scent: perfum, aroma. Verbs: Approach: parlar amb, Remain: continuar, Store: guardar, Stink: fer pudor, Stare: mirar fixament, Stroke: acariciar, Trigger: provocar, Whisper: parlar en veu baixa. Idioms: Have a sweet tooth: ser golós, Give a taste of his own medicine: donar sabor a la seva pròpia medicina, Common sense: sentit comú, Go in one ear and out the other: entrar per una orella i sortir per l'altra, Keep in touch: mantenir contacte, See eye to eye: estar d'acord. Adjectives: Accurate: exacte, Bitter: amarg/a, Bright: viu, Deafening: ensordidor, Disgusting: desagradable, Faint: dèbil, Nasty: desagradable,... Continuar leyendo "Glossari de Termes i Expressions en Anglès" »

Verbos Irregulares en Inglés: Lista Completa y Ejemplos

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Verbos Irregulares en Inglés

A continuación, encontrarás una lista completa de verbos irregulares en inglés, junto con su traducción al español. Los verbos están organizados en orden alfabético para facilitar su búsqueda.

Tabla de Verbos Irregulares (Parte 1)

Infinitivo (Infinitive)Pasado Simple (Simple Past)Pasado Participio (Past Participle)Español (Spanish)
BeWas / WereBeenSer
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Evolución Humana y Futuro: Desde los Dinosaurios hasta la Conquista Espacial

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De los Dinosaurios a la Era Moderna

Los dinosaurios existieron millones de años antes que los humanos, pero se extinguieron. Los humanos han sobrevivido y han colonizado el planeta. La población del mundo creció hasta alcanzar los de habitantes. Darwin afirmó que los humanos evolucionaron de los monos. Los científicos desarrollaron la penicilina, que puede curar infecciones. No debemos contaminar el medio ambiente.

Evolución y Adaptación Humana

Nuestros antecesores podían oír y oler mejor que nosotros. Si desarrollamos nuevas tecnologías, probablemente continuaremos evolucionando. En el pasado, la vida era más difícil; ahora todo es más fácil. No podemos predecir el futuro, pero creo que colonizaremos el espacio. Puede... Continuar leyendo "Evolución Humana y Futuro: Desde los Dinosaurios hasta la Conquista Espacial" »

Verbos Irregulares en Inglés: Conjugación Completa

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Conjugación de Verbos Irregulares en Inglés

A continuación, se presenta una lista de verbos irregulares en inglés con sus respectivas conjugaciones en presente, pasado simple y participio pasado, junto con su traducción al español.

InfinitivoPasado SimpleParticipio PasadoTraducción
beatbeatbeatengolpear, vencer, ganarle a
bindboundboundatar, amarrar, vendar
bidbidbidofertar, pujar por algo
breedbredbredcriar (animales)
buildbuiltbuiltconstruir, edificar
burnburntburntquemar, arder, incendiar
burstburstburstreventar, estallar, abrir de golpe
catchcaughtcaughtcoger, agarrar, atrapar
choosechosechosenelegir, escoger
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Hi, this is my biography. I’m going to compare the things that I did before with the things that I do now. When I was little I used to have short and blond hair, I used to be very shy funny and optimistic person. I never had pets. I loved make jesting. I liked watching the cartoon and I used to dislike watching the news because the news bored me. I loved get gifts for my birthday and Christmas. My hobbies was ride my bike and listening to music. I dislike play the piano I have always wanted to be astronaut. Now I have long
and brown hair. I’m a little less shy and I’m a serious and pessimistic person. I have a dog since 2007. I like watching the news for knows what happens in other parts of the world, great notices or for example known... Continuar leyendo "Imprimir" »

My favourite hobby redacción

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shouting / gritos
clapping / aplausos
ran forward / corríó hacia adelante
strength / fuerza
crowd / multitud
Anna is an innocent girl who is easily frightened and very responsible.
Sam is an athlete, kind and very brave.
The aunt to Anna is loving, kind and very good cook.

capitulo favorito: My favourite chapter is when Sam wins the bout because he found ir hard to beat and gave emotion.
Final: Yes, because I found some interesting and had nothing special.
Gusto: No, because the book was not much fun except in specific cases.

Reported speech simple present simple past "i work in Argentina" he said that he worked in Argentina "i am a teacher" he said that he was a teacher

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REPORTED Speech: Direct Speech ? Reported Speech Present-Past "I work in Argentina" He said that he worked in Argentina present contin à past continuous" I am doing my job" He said that he was doing his job Past  Past Perfect We saw a good film on TV" He said they had seen a good film on TV. "I was dancing with Mary" He said he had been dancing with Mary Present Perfect  Past Perfect I have done this before" She said that she had done that before "I have been doing this for two years" He said that he had been doing that for two years Future Conditional  "I will visit my mother" He said that he would visit his mother "I will be flying to Spain" He said that he would be flying to Spain Future Perfect  Conditional Perfect  "I will have arrived

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Comprehensive English Grammar and Vocabulary Reference

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English Grammar and Vocabulary Reference


  • Proper Nouns: Differentiate a being from others of the same class (e.g., Huesca).
  • Common Nouns: Designate beings of the same class (e.g., city).
  • Concrete Nouns: Designate beings that can be perceived by the senses (e.g., house).
  • Abstract Nouns: Refer to immaterial concepts that cannot be perceived by the senses (e.g., life).
  • Countable Nouns: Designate beings that can be counted (e.g., comb).
  • Uncountable Nouns: Designate beings that cannot be counted (e.g., salt).
  • Animate Nouns: Designate people and animals (e.g., woman).
  • Inanimate Nouns: Designate plants and lifeless beings (e.g., bush).
  • Individual Nouns: Singular nouns that designate a single being or countable object (e.g., car).
  • Collective Nouns: Singular
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